Slovak Paradise

Slovak Paradise – this region is honored by one of the most beautiful regions in Slovakia. It is in the Spiš county around Hrabušíc, in the valley of Hornát.

The Slovak Paradise got its name thanks to its rare natural values ​​and beauties. It consists of preserved karst plains, river canyons, gorges and gorges with waterfalls, extensive world of caves and abysses and richly represented fauna and flora.

National Park

In 1964 it was the first in Slovakia to be declared a protected landscape area. Although this exceptional area, declared a national park in 1988, is strictly protected, everyone can experience its beauty thanks to the dense network of hiking trails. National Park is open to tourists all year round.

This place is a paradise for lovers of nature, tourism and sport.

Hills and caves of the Slovak Paradise

The highest peak is Ondrejisko. Underground hides a large cave system. The largest one was created in the bowels of Duča Hill and it was called the Stratenská Cave. It is 15 km long and it is the second longest cave in Slovakia. The most famous cave of the National Park is the well-known Dobšinská Ice Cave, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Known are also rock formations such as. Needle or Tomášovský look, which provides a beautiful view into the deep canyon. In winter Hornád and waterfalls in the gorges are frozen. Waterfalls are changing ice chapels and ice falls.

Slovak Paradise

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