Slavín in Bratislava

The monument of Slavín in Bratislava is the place where 6845 Soviet soldiers are buried. They died in the liberation of Bratislava and its surroundings in April 1945.

Slavín Memorial

The staircase leads to the cemetery with 6 mass graves and 278 individual. The central part of the Slavín Memorial in Bratislava is made up of a ceremonial hall. Hall represents the dominant part of the monument. The entrance cassette doors to the ceremonial hall, the walls of which are covered with marble, are decorated with bronze relief from the outside, reminiscent of fighting during World War II. The monumental granite pylon, built in the ceremonial hall, is a 39.5 m high, 11 m high statue of victory standing on its top.

The Slavín Memorial in Bratislava is surrounded by a park with trees and shrubs from various parts of the former Soviet Union.

From the eastern terrace is a beautiful view of the capital.

War Memorial, Bratislava

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