
National parks

Tatra National Park (TANAP)

Thanks to its location, the High Tatras are a climatic spa for the treatment of respiratory diseases, a tourist and recreational center.

The highest spa is Strbske Pleso, which is also a center of tourism and winter sports. In 1793 Starý Smokovec was founded as the first tourist center and starting point for alpine hikes.

Other Tatra resorts are: Tatranska Lomnica, Tatranska Polianka, Vysne Hagy, Zdiar and others.

A frequent destination in the Tatras is a visit to Belianska Cave, which is located 7 km from Zdiar, but also a little further away Demänovská Caves.

Tatra National park

In TANAP there are many tarns, the most famous of which are: Strbske pleso, Skalnate pleso, Velke Hyncovo pleso.

The most popular places after the balls are waterfalls, such as. waterfall Skok, waterfalls Studený potok, Kmeťov, Czech waterfall.

Deep glacial valleys, i. Mengusovská Valley, Great and Small Cold Valley, but also rocky peaks: Gerlachovský Shield, Krivan, Rysy and especially Lomnicky Peak, which leads to the cable car.

Tatra National Park is our most beautiful national park and is situated in the north of Slovakia. It was declared the 1st National Park in 1948. The High Tatras are divided into West and East Tatras (High Tatras and Belianske Tatras).

In 1993, this area was included in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. The High Tatras Mountains is the only alpine character in our country and also the smallest mountains in Europe.

The highest Tatra peak is Gerlach, which is 2655 m. Ten other hills exceed 2,600 m and fifteen are over 2,500 m.

Administration of Tatra National Park
P. O. Box 21 059 41 Tatranska Strba 75
Phone: +421 52 448 42 17 Fax: +421 52 448 42 17
Web: http://spravatanap.sk/

Slovak Paradise National Park

The Slovak Paradise National Park is located in the east of Slovakia and hides the landscape of plains, gorges, waterfalls and caves. It covers an area of ​​almost 20 thousand hectares and is made up of limestone and dolomites.

In the Slovak Paradise there are narrow canyons, waterfalls, beautiful caves and gorges, which are accessible by footpaths and iron and wooden ladders.

The highest peak of the Slovak Paradise is Ondrejisko.

The underground hides a large cave system. The largest one was created in the bowels of Duča Hill and it was called the Stratenská Cave. It is 15 km long and it is the second longest cave in Slovakia.

The most famous cave of the Slovak Paradise National Park is the well-known Dobšinská Ice Cave, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

There are also known rock formations such as. Needle or Tomášovský view, which provides a wonderful view into the deep canyon.

In winter Hornád and waterfalls in the gorges are frozen. Waterfalls turn into ice chapels and ice falls.

Slovak Paradise National Park Administration
Letecká 3
052 01 Spisska N. Ves
Phone: +421 53 442 20 10
Fax: +421 53 442 20 26

Slovak Paradise National Park

Malá Fatra National Park

The Malá Fatra National Park is the fourth highest mountain range in Slovakia and lies in the northwest of Slovakia. In the Krivánska Fatra there is also the charming Vrátna Valley with the possibility of hiking and skiing, as well as the picturesque settlement of Štefanová.

The most beautiful places include canyons with waterfalls – Upper and Lower Holes, New Holes and Rock City, which is formed by rocks of interesting shapes.

The highest peak of Malá Fatra is Veľký Kriváň. The most famous hills of the Little Fatra are – Maly Krivan, Bread, Dry, Velky Rozsutec and more.

There are also gorges similar to those in the Slovak Paradise. These are called Holes. 83% of the area is covered by forest.

Administration of Malá Fatra National Park
Hrnčiarska ul. 197 013 03 Varín
Web: www.sopsr.sk/malafatra
Phone: +421 41 56 92 311
Fax +421 41 56 92 101

Malá Fatra National Park

Pieniny National Park (PIENAP)

It is our smallest and second oldest national park. Located on the border with Poland, it flows through the river Dunajec, which is known for rafting.

In 1932 it was declared the first international nature park in Europe and in 1967 it became the Slovak national park.

PIENAP is situated in the mountains Pieniny and Spišská Magura. Most of the Pieniny mountain range is located on Polish territory and its smaller southern part extends to northern Slovakia.

In the Pieniny National Park there is a unique karst canyon of Dunajec, on which rafters sailed in the past and today these goral wooden rafts are an attractive tourist attraction.

Pieniny National Park Administration
059 06 Cerveny Klastor 73
Phone: +421 52 418 10 71 – 3
Tax +421 52 482 23 95
Web: www.pienap.sk

Pieniny National Park

Low Tatras National Park (NAPANT)

The Low Tatras National Park (NAPANT) is the largest Slovak national park. The park was founded in 1978 and its total area is 1,830 km².

Physically savvy tourists can climb the highest low Tatras peaks of Chopok and Ďumbier (2,043 meters above sea level), which offer attractive views to almost half of Slovakia and are part of the most beautiful Slovak ridge.

Its biggest attraction are numerous karst phenomena with several caves, the most famous of which is the complex of Demänovské Caves.

In this area there are many underground rivers that flow through the karst area of ​​the Demänovské Hills. We can also find many waterfalls here, the highest of which is the Bankovský waterfall (55 m), which is also the fourth highest in Slovakia.

From the north side is the entrance to the Low Tatras Demänovská valley and Jasná, in the south side it is Mýto pod Ďumbierom and Tále, as well as mountain saddles Donovaly and Čertovica.

Low Tatras National Park Administration
Lazovná 10
974 01 Banska Bystrica
Phone: 048/413 0888, 048/413 0889, tel./fax: 048/413 0820
E-mail: napant@sopsr.sk
Web: www.napant.sk

Low Tatras National Park

Muránska planina National Park

Muránska Planina National Park is located on the border of Central and Eastern Slovakia and is one of the youngest national parks in Slovakia.

The park covers an area of about 203 ha. The ruins of the Muráň Castle stand on the high rock.

The largest part of the national park consists of Muránska planina, which is formed of light triassic limestone with numerous karst formations.

There are more than 250 unavailable caves, 15 abysses (the deepest Michňová 105m) and more than 50 dives and springs.

From the surface karst formations rock, gorge, rock towers and also karst pits, cracks and sinkholes. The highest peak of the Muránska plateau is Kľak, the highest peak of the whole NP is Fabova hoľa.

Muránska Planina National Park Administration
Janka Krala 12
050 01 Revúca
Web: www.npmp.sk
Phone: +421 58 442 20 61
Fax +421 58 488 17 90

Muránska Planina National Park

Poloniny National Park

Poloniny is the easternmost Slovak national park with forests and forests Stužica, Rožok and Havešová registered since 2007 in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The territory, together with the adjacent protected territory of Poland and Ukraine, is included in the network of biosphere reserves called the International Biosphere Reserve of the Eastern Carpathians.

It is the only reserve in the world made up of the united territories of three states. There is the largest Slovak water reservoir for drinking water – Starina.

The highest peak is Kremenec. Poloniny National Park is the largest forest complex in Slovakia.

There are the most national cultural monuments – wooden churches in the national parks of Slovakia.

There is also the highest military cemetery from the First World War in Slovakia on the hill Predný Hodošík (825 m.n.m.).

Poloniny National Park Administration
Mieru 193
06761 Stakčín
Web: www.sopsr.sk/nppoloniny/
Phone: +421 57 768 56 15
Fax +421 57 768 56 15

Poloniny National Park

Slovak Karst National Park

The Slovak Karst is the largest and most typical karst area in Central Europe and has the most underground spaces. There are 1100 caves and abysses, which have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The most interesting places are Zádielska Gorge and Domica Cave.

The Slovak Karst is formed by extensive plains that border the rocky slopes.

The highest peak is Matešova skala. The Plešivská plateau is important for its abysses (Divíčia abyss, Zvonivá diera) and smaller cave systems that are not accessible to the public.

The largest karst plain is Silická planina.

There are also abysses, the deepest of which is Brázda (181 m).

The easternmost is Jasovská plain, where is the deepest abyss in Slovakia – Kunia abyss (220 m). In Jasov there is an entrance to Jasovská Cave, which was the first in Slovakia to be opened.

Slovak Karst National Park Administration
White manor house no. 188
049 51 Brzotin
Phone: +421 58 732 68 15
Fax +421 58 734 67 69

Slovak Karst National Park

Veľká Fatra National Park

Veľká Fatra National Park is located in central Slovakia and is the largest habitat of the evergreen yew tree in Europe.

In 2002 it was declared a National Park.

The starting points for tourism are the towns of Martin, Ruzomberok, Turcianske Teplice, Donovaly ski resorts, Malininske and the folk architecture reserve Vlkolinec, which is part of the UNESCO cultural heritage.

Veľká Fatra National Park Administration
Čachovský rad č. 7
038 61 Vrútky
Phone: +421 43 428 45 03
Fax +421 43 428 45 89

Veľká Fatra National Park

Slovakia, thanks to its geographical location, is considered the heart of Europe. However, many natives carry it in their hearts, thanks to the stunning Slovak nature, traditions, and history, which breathe through the castles and châteaux scattered across the country, the unique atmosphere of typical Slovak villages, as well as larger towns, where original Slovak gastronomy, friendly inhabitants, entertainment, and culture blend together.

Although Slovakia has a smaller area compared to surrounding countries, it offers a vast array of experiences. From natural treasures and breathtaking scenery to historical monuments and castles, all the way to worldwide unique attractions.

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