Bratislava as a center of innovation and startups
Bratislava1. November 2017
Bratislava as Silicon Valley
World financial daily The financial times compared Bratislava to the center of innovation and progress, which may soon be a European representative of Silicon Valley, full of startups and innovative products.
There is no doubt that there are many extremely talented and clever people being born in Slovakia. This is evidenced by the growing number of interesting technological startups that have been booming in recent years and are moving Slovakia forward.
Inventions from Slovakia
Significant successes, which attracted the attention of the well-known diary, are several. It is worth mentioning, AeroMobomil-flying car, which we also mentioned in the article about discoveries and inventions from Slovakia.
Slovak companies in Bratislava
However, other significant Slovak companies also deserved attention. Like ESET, Sygic, a popular navigation app developer today using more than 200 million people, Pixel Federation, the Slovak game studio behind the legendary Facebook Train Station. However, less well-known Slovak start-ups such as Photoneo, GA Drilling are also mentioned. The application also comes from Slovakia sli.do.

Slovak unique
An example of Slovak uniqueness is the successful project of the Slovak University of Technology (STU) in Bratislava within the Operational Program Research and Development focused on innovative research of polymer materials and transfer of technologies into practice.
But why is Slovakia doing so well in start-ups and innovations? One of the reasons is certainly the fact that start-up Slovak companies benefited from low costs. Technically minded graduates are simply and the limited size of the market in Slovakia encourages entrepreneurs to plunge into international sales as quickly as possible.
On the other hand, there are many things in Slovakia that need improvement. One of the biggest obstacles is the fact that skilled people studying abroad are not coming back to Slovakia. Valuable experience from beyond the borders would really be useful to Slovakia. In one case, however, Slovakia is indeed different from abroad.
Many Slovak entrepreneurs do not do their job only because of financial rewards and profits. Many Slovaks are trying to change Slovakia, and this is not seen abroad.